Six years ago our adult son became someone else. Not always. Just when he went manic. It took two years before he was properly diagnosed: Bipolar Disorder 1.
Six years of almost once-a-year hospital/doctor intervention. Six years of psych ward visitation. So familiar am I with one specific hospital, I can drive, park, and enter the ward without thinking. It's engrained in my brain--and not something I'd wish on anyone.
I used to be an outsider--a BPD1 support/caregiver outsider. And even though I've gained a whole new understanding and knowledge of this mental illness world, I'd rather STILL be an outsider. Who wouldn't?!
BUT GOD! I've seen God's intervention through all of this over and over again. I have written pages on divine intervention--in big ways and in little ways. I've seen Him in friends and family. I've seen Him in doctors and nurses, in EMS staff and police, in schedules kept and plans thwarted. I've heard Him speak hope through creation, through His Word, through books, through writing, through words of encouragement given by others. And this I know--God doesn't leave us alone in our trials.
If you are in a similar support role, I'm here to listen and offer hope. Hope in Jesus. Without Him, I would've quit this "deja vu" role. BUT GOD! And that's enough.
