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Updated: Feb 1

Okay. Okay. I know you've been patiently waiting. Hopefully it will be worth the wait!

These were the four choices from my poll back in January:

After all your great feedback, I worked with Gary Horsman, my cover designer, and Colleen McCubbin at Siretona Creative (along with her team), and HERE AT LAST is the final product:

And, here is the full wrap-around:

Don't you just LOVE it? I do--I think you can tell! Leave a comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

That's all for today. Next stop: Layout and printing. PLUS, a little somethin', somethin' unique to this novel. Are you curious? I am (because it's still in process).

Again, if you want to join my novel-writing journey, sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of this page (you'll get a chapbook of the poems I wrote at the beginning of each chapter). Or, just sign up to follow my website from my homepage. Either way, thanks for being here! I appreciate each and every one of you.

Have a hope-filled day!

When you log in to leave a comment, only Connie Mae Inglis receives your contact information. She does not share it with anyone.

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