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Connie Inglis
May 9, 20233 min read
Chp. 17: The Ugly Uncertainty of the Unexpected.
Five months. That's how long we've been in Thailand. Relatively-speaking, five months isn't a long. time. And yet, the unexpected can...
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Connie Inglis
Apr 29, 20232 min read
Chp 16: Start with Why
A couple of years ago I read Simon Sinek's book, Start with Why. As our time here draws to a close, I thought it time to answer the...
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Connie Inglis
Apr 12, 20233 min read
Chapter 15: Water Ways i.e. Songkran
Since arriving in Chiang Mai in January, I've been sharing different "Drink of the Day" drinks found here. Today's drink? Water. Why...
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Connie Inglis
Mar 31, 20233 min read
Chapter 14: Flying Lessons 2
More lessons from another bird unique to tropical Asia--the Asian Koel. Personally, I've never seen this bird, but I have tried. It likes...
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Connie Inglis
Mar 22, 20235 min read
Chapter 13: Flying Lessons 1
One thing I enjoy about life here are the birds--unique shapes and sizes, unique colours and songs. One of my favourites is the...
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Connie Inglis
Mar 16, 20234 min read
Chapter 12: Where Have All the Cows Gone? (Or, Living a Life Unpredictable)
Zoning laws are held loosely in Thailand, if there are any at all. Which is why, as long as I can remember, there has always been a wide...
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Connie Inglis
Mar 3, 20236 min read
Chapter 11: Lies Your Mother Told You
Okay, so this isn't really about lies told by mothers. But it is about a misconception that was taught, perhaps subliminally as an...
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Connie Inglis
Feb 15, 20232 min read
Chapter 9: From Uber Eats and DoorDash to Lineman, foodpanda and Grab
Too tired to cook? Too hot to cook? Don't feel like going out to get food? Why not order in? It's easy in Thailand. Just give Grab,...
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Connie Inglis
Feb 6, 20233 min read
Chapter 8: Language, Culture and a Good "Heart-to-Heart"
When our family moved to Thailand to work with minority language groups many years ago, my husband and I were introduced to a book by...
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Connie Inglis
Feb 1, 20233 min read
Chapter 7: The Honeymoon is Over (Warning--not a light read)
Two days ago I woke up and, overnight, my world had changed. Oh the birds still twittered outside our window and the sun still rose...
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Connie Inglis
Jan 25, 20233 min read
Chapter 6: Thai Dishes of Choice by Ethan C. Adam
Today's blog is all about food--Thai food, to be exact. In my novel, Rewriting Adam, I mention three specific dishes that my protagonist...
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Connie Inglis
Jan 20, 20232 min read
Chapter 5: The Colour of the Day (It's Red!)
I returned to my favourite Warorot Market this past week. Everywhere I looked, I saw red (and often gold). That doesn't mean I became...
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Connie Inglis
Jan 16, 20234 min read
Chapter 4: For the First Time--for Real!
This past Friday I did something that I've never done before in all the years we've lived here--I went fishing! I'm familiar with...
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Connie Inglis
Jan 13, 20232 min read
To Market, to Market
One of my favourite things to do here: visit Warorot Market, the large day market. From a distance, it doesn't look like much. But in...
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Connie Inglis
Jan 6, 20233 min read
For the First Time
Three days ago we returned to Thailand--NOT for the first time but for the 11th time, if my memory serves me correctly. It's been almost...
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Connie Inglis
Jan 21, 20221 min read
A Taste of the Wild Things
Sometimes poetry is just silly and fun. And sometimes blogposts should be that too! This poem is based on a prompt. Basically, write a...
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Connie Inglis
Jul 12, 20212 min read
Poetry, Purpose, and Power
Are you familiar with the following poem? How does it make you feel? Even though Rewriting Adam is a novel, I wanted to incorporate my...
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Connie Inglis
Jul 3, 20212 min read
Taking the Plunge
Do you ever feel like an African wildebeest jumping heedlessly into the unknown? I've felt like that ever since I took the plunge into...
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Connie Inglis
Jun 29, 20212 min read
The Curious Case of Janus McGinnis
In Roman mythology, Janus is the god of doors, transitions, and new beginnings. In chapter one of my novel, Rewriting Adam, Janus bursts...
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Connie Inglis
Apr 1, 20213 min read
Bumps in the Road. Rocks in my Head.
It's been a rough month for me. How about for you? Dear Reader/Follower. I must apologize. I've been pretty quiet on social media of any...
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